Rebecca knew that this property was perfect as a student housing investment since it was nearby Louisville University in Kentucky. She would rent this property out to multiple students because of the house’s unique layout.

More importantly, this means that she would collect multiple rents for this investment property and these student housing renters would be pretty solid because they would be co-signed by the parents.

Translation – their middle-aged parents write the check, so it is a very reliable source of payment.

Rebecca is self-employed so she wanted to have a way that she could purchase this student housing investment property without her tax returns or personal income being scrutinized.

NO PROBLEM. We won’t ask for anything more than items pertaining to the property and your credit for approval.

The demand for off-campus student housing, especially with institutions that do not have sufficient dorm space, is crazy which makes an investment property such as this one pretty recession-proof.

I saw this first-hand with my own daughter going to the University of Arizona this year. She did not get a dorm so we had to figure out her off-campus student housing quickly. I could not believe the rates and how little was available.

Students were fighting for studio apartments almost a mile from campus. Pretty crazy. On another note, a company I have followed for years “Blackstone” which is a major hedge fund company just purchased a huge student housing investment property portfolio. If a company as sharp as Blackstone is building a rental property portfolio right now, what does that tell you?

I would say student housing is a pretty smart investment if you can find these properties at a reasonable price.

We can definitely help you in financing these rental properties or other types of rental properties without asking for any type of proof of income – NO Tax Returns / W2s / 1099s / Paycheck Stubs, NADA!

Get Help With Rental Property Financing

Call at 847-644-8085 anytime, or click the button below if you want to take your investment portfolio to the next level.